Fruit of the Spirit Challenge: Month 1, Day 2

3 Jul

(I don’t know if I’ll blog every day throughout this, but I’ll try to update as often as possible)

Well, today God stretched me a bit.

I came home from a long day at work and found a message that a friend had attempted to send me earlier saying she had just lost her job that day.

I quickly checked skype, facebook chat, and gchat and didn’t see her online (we normally instant message to stay in touch, since she lives about three hours away).  I finally sent her a facebook message saying I was home from work if she wanted to chat.  Well, that didn’t seem like enough.  My friend was having a freak-out moment, and I needed to be there for her.

I should explain that I hardly ever call anyone- I don’t like talking on the phone, partly because of my own shyness and partly because it means I have to sit down and focus- I can’t multi-task like I could if I were instant messaging on the computer.  But, I knew I needed to call my friend- so I did.  And she appreciated the call.  She had things she needed to talk through.  She wanted my opinion on some things.  She asked me questions and brainstormed outloud to me.  And I had to listen 100%, not just halfheartedly write to her while watching cat videos on youtube.  A small way to show love to a friend in need.

One other way I’m being stretched: I have been wanting to take on praying for every country in the world for a while now, but wasn’t sure where to start.  Tonight, a friend lead me to where I signed up for the 60-day prayer challenge and will be emailed specific ways to pray for every country in the world.  Tonight’s country was India- another way to remember God’s love for the entire world!!

Tomorrow brings day 3!

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